Logica will be extending free Sandbox availability to cover the September HL7 Connectathon and Working Group Meeting in Atlanta, though at least October, 2024. The postponement of production environment decommissioning is intended to allow for a smoother transition into replacement options underway, and does not affect the end goal ofContinue Reading

As of Friday, February 14th, 2020, the Open Source EHR Alliance (OSEHRA) has shut down. To aid in the continuity of active projects and preservation of significant assets, Logica has accepted transfer of numerous online repositories and assorted digital files. Those directly related to VistA are going to the WorldVistAContinue Reading

The HSPC FHIR Sandbox won a 2017 FHIR Applications Roundtable award based on a presentation from Rick Freeman of Interopion. Logica is proud to have thousands of developers using the environment to bring innovative, standards-compliant applications to market. Read the article on Health Data Management.  Continue Reading